Here we are again with another year coming to a close, but as I write this newsletter the temperature here in Medicine Hat if a balmy 10 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t get much better than that here at this time of year. We don’t have any snow, and most people would be happy with that, however, our farmer producers are probably cringing as they are counting on major amounts of snow by now as they need the moisture for next year. We at the Gleaners are continuing our task of gleaning and are …
Fall & Winter 2021 Newsletter
We, the Board of Directors of The Prairie Gleaners, hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We are open, and volunteers, both new and returning are welcome. These are extremely trying and unprecedented times, with self-isolating and practicing social distancing in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones as safe as we possibly can. We continue to abide by all Health Canada and Alberta Health Services guidelines in this trying time. We strictly enforce wearing masks, as they don’t …
September 2021 Newsletter
We at the Gleaners have had a very productive 2021 year. So far we have shipped 16,372 bags of our dehydrated vegetable mix to a variety of countries around the world such as Venezuela, Nicaragua, The Dominican Republic, Guatemala, the Ukraine as well as our own Mustard Seed locally. At 120 cups per bag, this equals 1,964,640 cups. As always, we could not possibly do this without our many local volunteers as well as our partners around the world such as East West Trucking out of Calgary for …
Spring/Summer 2021 Newsletter
We, the Board of Directors of The Prairie Gleaners, hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We are open, and volunteers, both new and returning are welcome. These are extremely trying and unprecedented times, with self-isolating and practicing social distancing in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones as safe as we possibly can. We continue to abide by all Health Canada and Alberta Health Services guidelines in this trying time. We strongly encourage everyone to wear a mask while …